You can buy services in our website using the following payment methods:
To pay for your order using MBWay, you should follow the next steps:
In a few seconds, you will receive a notification in your phone to confirm the payment of your order. After the payment has been cleared, the service becomes available immediately unless otherwise specified.
To pay for your order using Multibanco, you should follow the next stps:
To complete the payment through a Multibanco ATM you should select the following options:
After processing the payment, we recommend that you keep the receipt, since it serves as proof of payment.
If you prefer to process the payment through homebanking, we recomemend that you look up the instructions of your bank.
Note: After the payment has been cleared, the service becomes available immediately unless otherwise specified.
To pay for your order using PayPal, you should follow the next stps:
After selecting this payment method you will be forwarded to PayPal's website to complete the payment there.
Note: After the payment has been cleared, the service becomes available immediately unless otherwise specified.
To proceed with a wire transfer payment, you should wire the funds to the banking details indicated in your order page. It is also necessary that you insert order number in the wire transfer description.
Note: This payment method requires manual verification, and as a result, it may take up to 48 hours for the payment to be cleared. In the event you have urgency to register or renew a service, we recommend that you use the payment methods listed above as those are automatically processed.